Friday, May 2, 2014

第六日  四月三十日 禮拜三


Walking all over town

Visiting the Shops


Day 6  April 30 Wednesday

The ministries scheduled for today were visitation, visitation and more visitation! Although our team leaders Leslie Wong and Pastor Wu already planned a busy schedule, on the way we found out the bus drivers were on strike and it affected the businesses in the downtown area. We had to change our plan. We changed our target area. We divided into two teams, one team visiting restaurants and another team preparing for the evening meeting. Please pray for the Fung family; they were receptive to the message and to let us pray for them. Please pray that the seeds that were sown today will reap harvest one day soon.

Visiting the shops

We once again experienced the abundant grace of God in the evening meeting. We watched in awe of the brothers and sisters desiring to attend the meeting, enjoy the praise and worship time, and eagerly wanting to learn the lesson. This evening, we split into small groups where they could share what they have learned from their Bible readings and how to apply it to their lives. May God continue to give them wisdom so that they will understand His Words and to grow up in the Truth.

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