第十日 五月四日 禮拜日
上午 委京浸信會
星期六從聖基道市回到加拉加斯,經過一晚休息後,星期日早上到委京浸信會崇拜。我們有幸被邀請獻詩,我們選了「安靜」一詩,配合証道信息「在患難中有平安」,因為有主時刻在看顧。因為委國動盪不穩,吳牧師用詩篇34篇去安慰提醒當地信徒要倚靠主,因為祂是我們的避難所。我們還播放由此行短宣相片匯集而成的幻燈片,籍此分享我們在聖基道市的經歷;加上愛是不保留的背景音樂,去見證數算神在聖基道市的工作和神怎樣去愛聖基道市的中國人。Tracey 姊妹在主日學時段帶領和查考使徒行傳。
下午 主恩堂
我們短宣隊獻上詩歌「安靜」。接著有 Sylvia 姊妹分享為什麼第二次來到委內瑞拉因為當地弟兄姊妹渴慕神很深因此激勵她盡自己責任把福音傳到地極。也有Tracey姊妹分享她來的原因。最後有吳牧師用詩篇 27篇鼓勵信徒要「在恐懼中有膽量」。
Day 10 May 4 Sunday
We returned to Caracas from San Cristobal on Saturday. After a good night rest, we worshipped at the Caracas Chinese Baptist Church. The team sang the song “Still” to lead into the message “Peace at the Time of Turmoil” by Pastor Wu. With the upheaval in Venezuela, he used Psalm 46 to remind the Christians to depend on God as He is our refuge. We also presented a slideshow compiled with photos of our trip to San Cristobal. The background music was “Unreserved Love” as it tells God’s unreserved love to the Chinese in San Cristobal and the work that was done there. After the worship, Tracey led the Sunday School class through Acts 2.
PM: Iglesia Evangelica China Gracia de Dios
We were received warmly with smiles and hugs by the brothers and sisters of the Lord’s Grace Church. Even though they are in a country of instability, it is exciting to see that they are so warm and filled with love. They were passionate in worshipping God with praise in both Chinese and Spanish. Their worship in spirit and in truth is treasured by both men and God.
The Mission Team presented the song “Still”. Sylvia shared why she returned again to Venezuela: it is because the hunger and the thirsting after God of the people that motivates her to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth. Tracey also shared her testimony. Pastor Wu used Psalm 27 to encourage the Christians, “Be Bold at the Time of Fear”.
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