Thursday, May 8, 2014

第十一日  五月五日  禮拜一

感謝神的保守帶領,今天是短宣隊在委內瑞拉的最後一天。早上早餐後,聶牧師、師母和主恩堂Alberto弟兄接我們到委京四海社區服務中心作最後服事。這服務中心主要是幫助新移民,學習西文,提供法律和醫療問題幫助。在中心服務的都是一班委京浸信會和主恩堂的弟兄姊妹。在此刻,我們認識了一班正在學習西文的年輕學生。課後,一位作老師的教會姊妹就趁著機會讓短宣隊跟他們説説笑笑和分享福音。Tracey 亦為部分學生驗膽固醇及血糖與及解答一些關於健康上的問題。



Day 11  May 5  Monday

God kept us and protected us. Today is the last day of the Short Term Mission Team in Venezuela. Pastor and Mrs. Nip, together with Alberto, took us to visit the Caracas Four Seas Community Service Center after breakfast. This Center is to help new immigrants to learn Spanish, provide assistance in legal and medical services. Serving at this center are members from the two Chinese churches in Caracas. We took advantage of this opportunity to get to know some of the students. After the class, we chatted with them and shared the gospel with them. Tracey also measured their blood pressure and performed the glucose test, as well as answering some of the questions they had on health and medical issues.

Thanks be to God! It is wonderful to see brothers and sisters taking advantage of every opportunity to help those in need, and at the same time, letting the love of Christ flow out of them. On this short term mission trip, we experienced the love of God and witnessed that God granted each person with gifts and when exercised together, much is accomplished.

May God bless the ministries of the churches here, and may the gospel be shared all around.

第十日  五月四日  禮拜日

上午 委京浸信會

星期六從聖基道市回到加拉加斯,經過一晚休息後,星期日早上到委京浸信會崇拜。我們有幸被邀請獻詩,我們選了「安靜」一詩,配合証道信息「在患難中有平安」,因為有主時刻在看顧。因為委國動盪不穩,吳牧師用詩篇34篇去安慰提醒當地信徒要倚靠主,因為祂是我們的避難所。我們還播放由此行短宣相片匯集而成的幻燈片,籍此分享我們在聖基道市的經歷;加上愛是不保留的背景音樂,去見證數算神在聖基道市的工作和神怎樣去愛聖基道市的中國人。Tracey 姊妹在主日學時段帶領和查考使徒行傳。

下午 主恩堂


我們短宣隊獻上詩歌「安靜」。接著有 Sylvia 姊妹分享為什麼第二次來到委內瑞拉因為當地弟兄姊妹渴慕神很深因此激勵她盡自己責任把福音傳到地極。也有Tracey姊妹分享她來的原因。最後有吳牧師用詩篇 27篇鼓勵信徒要「在恐懼中有膽量」。

Day 10  May 4  Sunday

AM: Iglesia Bautista China De Caracas

We returned to Caracas from San Cristobal on Saturday. After a good night rest, we worshipped at the Caracas Chinese Baptist Church. The team sang the song “Still” to lead into the message “Peace at the Time of Turmoil” by Pastor Wu. With the upheaval in Venezuela, he used Psalm 46 to remind the Christians to depend on God as He is our refuge. We also presented a slideshow compiled with photos of our trip to San Cristobal. The background music was “Unreserved Love” as it tells God’s unreserved love to the Chinese in San Cristobal and the work that was done there. After the worship, Tracey led the Sunday School class through Acts 2.

PM: Iglesia Evangelica China Gracia de Dios

We were received warmly with smiles and hugs by the brothers and sisters of the Lord’s Grace Church. Even though they are in a country of instability, it is exciting to see that they are so warm and filled with love. They were passionate in worshipping God with praise in both Chinese and Spanish. Their worship in spirit and in truth is treasured by both men and God.

The Mission Team presented the song “Still”. Sylvia shared why she returned again to Venezuela: it is because the hunger and the thirsting after God of the people that motivates her to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth. Tracey also shared her testimony. Pastor Wu used Psalm 27 to encourage the Christians, “Be Bold at the Time of Fear”.

第八日  五月二日  禮拜五

因今晚是我們在聖基道市最後的一天,在波仔和楚霞家弟兄姊妹預備了很多美味的餸菜為我們送行,真感謝他們的愛心欵待。餐後,由吳牧師為團契作最後一次訓練聚會,最後的部份Sylvia 姊妹解釋中信中心為我們預備的五色珠福音救恩禮物,然後送給他們作為記念。




Day 8  May 2  Friday

Tonight is the last day in San Cristobal, the brothers and sisters there prepared many delicious dishes to bid us farewell. We thanked them for their loving hospitality. After the meal, Pastor Wu led them in the final training session. We ended the night by presenting each one of them a gift: a five-color bead that tells the story how one can find salvation in Christ. Sylvia took the time to explain this to them.

Pastor Wu led an altar call. 亜紅 took advantage of this opportunity and raised her hand, indicating she wanted to accept Jesus as her Savior. She is a friend we got to know at our visit two years ago. We are excited that she decided and wanted to follow Jesus. May all glory be to God.

After our meeting, we said our farewell reluctantly with embraces. They asked us to return as soon as possible. After this week of training, we hope they continue to draw close to God by having their daily Bible reading and prayers, attending fellowship regularly, and love one another and to share the Gospel of Jesus in one heart.

That night we stayed at the home of 波仔and 楚霞, so we could get our ride to the airport early next morning, and to serve in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Resumen: San Cristóbal 25/30-04-2014.


El poder compartir y servir juntos con hermanos de otros lugares fue de gran bendicion, como tambien participar en la primera ceremonia de bautizo en esa ciudad, pues vi como Dios esta obrando en San cristóbal y se que su obra no se detendra sino que seguira extendiendose  su reino en esta ciudad.

Al principio mi objetivo era conocer a los niños ya que facilitaria un poco el trabajo a la hora de enseñarles, el domingo 27 les enseñe acerca del perdon y de como debemos amar aun hasta nuestros enemigos, mostrandoles un video con la historia de Saul y David, esa primera vez que les enseñe fue algo difícil porque habian algunos niños que no pude conocer antes.. la siguiente noche les enseñe los 10 mandamientos de Dios, como también una cancion llamada "Celebrad a Cristo" esta tenía un tipo de baile donde a todos les gusto cantar y bailar. Fue un hermoso tiempo enseñandoles ya que para mi eran niños nuevos pero Dios tuvo el control de todas las clases!

Estos dias compartiendo y aprendiendo de los misioneros como trabajan pues me hizo recordar que un dia Ofrende mi vida al Servicio de Dios y por eso debo continuar sirviendole a el, en cada lugar donde este.. Mi deseo por estudiar en un Seminario Biblico es para aprender y prepararme mejor,  y continuar glorificando al Señor con mi vida, y ahora que se que cuento con personas que me apoyan en esto, entiendo que es el deseo de Dios que pueda prepararme y quiero alinear mis deseos y pensamientos con los de El...

Cada uno de ustedes Mario, Leslie, pastor Andrew, Kate, Raymond, Silvya, y la otra hermana, fueron de bendicion para mi vida! Saludos a todos, y espero no sea la ultima vez que nos veamos y compartamos del Señor.


Rosa 姊妹分享



這幾日能與短宣隊一同分享並學習他們怎樣事奉。甚至記起我怎樣奉獻我生命給神;使我更加努力要事奉上帝。無論在任何一處,我盼望去讀神學課程,是為了學習和有更好的準備!希望我的思想能聯繫在主裏面。吳牧師,黃傳道,Raymond 弟兄, Sylvia 姊妹, Tracey 姊妹, Kate 姊妹和 Mario...你們每一個都是我的祝福!




Serving the Children

In order to let the parents to focus during their meeting, we have a fellowship time for the children as well. Their wisdom, their faith and their pure love towards God, I thank God that their parents taught them well. Although they were young, the youngest is only 5, already know how to pray. My heart was deeply touched. The children are active and lovely. They are eager in answering questions. They are excited and interested in Bible stories.




經過了兩年慕道的時間更深認識神,對神的信心日益增加,感謝神的保守和帶領,決志接受主耶穌基督成為個人救主。兩年後的今天,我再次和他們相遇,並能親自見證他們在眾人面前接受浸禮,又一次經歷到神的作為,祂是無可變為有的神。羅馬書8:28 我們曉得萬事都互相效力,叫愛神的人得益處。他們倆現在積極參與聖基道華人福音團契的聚會。

When I first met this couple two years ago, I learned that in a car accident, Sister Hung lost her right leg and required wheelchair assistance, while Brother Hung lost the strength in his right hand. At that time, they were not Christians yet. In our conversations, I found that there were lots of complaints and demands between them because there was no peace in their hearts.

It was the care and concerns of the Christian friends that helped them through this difficult time. When the short term mission team visited, they were cordially invited to attend. Slowly, changes came into their lives as they learned to encourage one another. Because of needs, they changed their business from restaurant to sales. They worked hard and became successful. God also blessed them because they have bought a new house recently. They invited the Fellowship to meet at their place and they always hosted with love.

After being seekers for two years, their faith and love for God continue to increase. They accepted Jesus as their Savior. Two years later, I am able to witness their declaration of their faith through baptism. I experience once again the work of our God. We know God works all things for the good of those who love him. They are now active members of the San Cristobal Chinese Christian Fellowship.

Friday, May 2, 2014

第七日  五月一日 禮拜四

今日是委內瑞拉的五一勞動節,弟兄姊妹都放假,就安排了與弟兄姊妹的家人與朋友一同燒烤 ,當然短宣隊也一同參加。到達時,我們十分驚喜,弟兄姊妹邀請的朋友中,包括他們的員工,他們都是委內瑞拉人。看到他們相處時,不時擁抱和嘻吓大笑,真是沒法想到這班竟是工人。他們不單相處融洽,也沒有因為自己的國籍不同已有隔膜,反而他們的關係看似自己的親人。事實上這不單單是驚喜,也實在令我們感動。這不是神所吩咐我們要愛人如己麼?

BBQ on May Day

同時Tracey 姊妹也幫助眾弟兄姊妹年長的家人驗血糖和量血壓,其他短宣隊員則繼續與各人陪談,傳福音。他們對醫療隊今次安排檢查非常感恩,反應非常受歡迎。實在是神格外的恩典!晚上當中有一位姊妹決志信主。感謝天父,這一次短宣行程實在讓我們經歷神的作為,看見朋友們的心慢慢的開始被移動,想信很快的日子,也是收割的時候了

Day 7  May 1 Thursday

Today is May Day in Venezuela, a national holiday. Brothers and sisters planned a BBQ with their families and friends. When we arrived, we were pleasantly surprised. Among the friends they invited were their employees, Venezuelan nationals. Watching their joyous relationship, an abundance of hugs and laughter, we could not imagine that they were their employees. They not only shared their lives together, their ethnicity was not a barrier at all. They looked like they were part of their family. We were not only surprised, but also touched. Isn’t this what Jesus told us about loving others as ourselves?

At the same time, Tracey was helping families to draw blood for Glucose Testing and to measure their blood pressure, while others were getting to know our friends and to share the Gospel message with them. We thank God that we received very positive response in providing this medical service. This is indeed the grace of God. That evening, one of the sisters decided to follow Jesus. We thank God that in this short mission trip, we have experienced the work of God. We witnessed the hand of God moving; we believed their hearts will be softened by God’s love. It will be the time for harvest.

第六日  四月三十日 禮拜三


Walking all over town

Visiting the Shops


Day 6  April 30 Wednesday

The ministries scheduled for today were visitation, visitation and more visitation! Although our team leaders Leslie Wong and Pastor Wu already planned a busy schedule, on the way we found out the bus drivers were on strike and it affected the businesses in the downtown area. We had to change our plan. We changed our target area. We divided into two teams, one team visiting restaurants and another team preparing for the evening meeting. Please pray for the Fung family; they were receptive to the message and to let us pray for them. Please pray that the seeds that were sown today will reap harvest one day soon.

Visiting the shops

We once again experienced the abundant grace of God in the evening meeting. We watched in awe of the brothers and sisters desiring to attend the meeting, enjoy the praise and worship time, and eagerly wanting to learn the lesson. This evening, we split into small groups where they could share what they have learned from their Bible readings and how to apply it to their lives. May God continue to give them wisdom so that they will understand His Words and to grow up in the Truth.