Wednesday, June 4, 2014

第十二日 五月六日 禮拜二

五月五日下午 感謝各弟兄姊妹特意前來送行;聶牧師,Alberto 和 Paco 弟兄更抽出他們的寶貴時間開車送我們前往機場。感謝神的保守,五月六日下午,我們平安抵達三藩市機場,今次的短宣隊行程到此為止。願我們在天上的父,繼續建立聖基道華人福音團契的事工,保守弟兄姊妹以基督耶穌的心為心,同心興旺福音,阿們。

Day 12   May 6, Tuesday

Afternoon of May 5
Special thanks to Pastor Nip, Alberto and Paco for taking their precious time to take us to the airport. In the afternoon of May 6, we arrived in San Francisco safely. This concluded this Short Term Mission Trip. May our Heavenly Father continue to build up the ministries of the San Cristobal Chinese Christian Fellowship, and to keep the hearts and minds of the brothers and sisters there, united together for the sake of the Gospel. Amen.