Friday, May 2, 2014

第七日  五月一日 禮拜四

今日是委內瑞拉的五一勞動節,弟兄姊妹都放假,就安排了與弟兄姊妹的家人與朋友一同燒烤 ,當然短宣隊也一同參加。到達時,我們十分驚喜,弟兄姊妹邀請的朋友中,包括他們的員工,他們都是委內瑞拉人。看到他們相處時,不時擁抱和嘻吓大笑,真是沒法想到這班竟是工人。他們不單相處融洽,也沒有因為自己的國籍不同已有隔膜,反而他們的關係看似自己的親人。事實上這不單單是驚喜,也實在令我們感動。這不是神所吩咐我們要愛人如己麼?

BBQ on May Day

同時Tracey 姊妹也幫助眾弟兄姊妹年長的家人驗血糖和量血壓,其他短宣隊員則繼續與各人陪談,傳福音。他們對醫療隊今次安排檢查非常感恩,反應非常受歡迎。實在是神格外的恩典!晚上當中有一位姊妹決志信主。感謝天父,這一次短宣行程實在讓我們經歷神的作為,看見朋友們的心慢慢的開始被移動,想信很快的日子,也是收割的時候了

Day 7  May 1 Thursday

Today is May Day in Venezuela, a national holiday. Brothers and sisters planned a BBQ with their families and friends. When we arrived, we were pleasantly surprised. Among the friends they invited were their employees, Venezuelan nationals. Watching their joyous relationship, an abundance of hugs and laughter, we could not imagine that they were their employees. They not only shared their lives together, their ethnicity was not a barrier at all. They looked like they were part of their family. We were not only surprised, but also touched. Isn’t this what Jesus told us about loving others as ourselves?

At the same time, Tracey was helping families to draw blood for Glucose Testing and to measure their blood pressure, while others were getting to know our friends and to share the Gospel message with them. We thank God that we received very positive response in providing this medical service. This is indeed the grace of God. That evening, one of the sisters decided to follow Jesus. We thank God that in this short mission trip, we have experienced the work of God. We witnessed the hand of God moving; we believed their hearts will be softened by God’s love. It will be the time for harvest.

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