活泉短宣隊在十五日下午正式從三藩市國際機場出發前往委內瑞拉。途經候斯頓,隔日早晨五時半平安抵達委京加拉加斯。感謝主!順利通關檢查和領取行李,並與聶牧師會面,一同在機場享用委式早餐。然後,在內陸機場與Rosa姊妹相會,十一時半一同乘搭委國內陸班機飛往聖基道 市。一小時十五分鐘後我們平安到達。全程前後約二十小時。當地弟兄們前來接機,之後一起去吃地道午餐。
Day 1
Thursday, April 16, 2015
We Have Arrived!
We departed from San Francisco at 4:30 in the afternoon. After a stopover in Houston, we arrived safely in Caracas early the next morning. After a Venezuelan breakfast, we met up with Pastor Semson Nip and Rosa. We immediately traveled to San Cristobal. Praise the Lord! After around twenty hours of traveling, we have arrived in San Cristobal safely! Although we are exhausted from flying, our hearts are excited to meet all the brothers and sisters here once again!
All of us have had experience going on a mission trip, but with a dozen meetings to prepare, equipping and training, we still feel inadequately prepared. However, we are eager to see the movement of God, to witness the working of His hands, and to experience His guidance and protection! May His Spirit be with us so we experience a fruitful harvest!
In the evening, we had the opportunity to celebrate the birthday of Johana’s daughter. She invited her friends and family to her home for dinner. While the hostess was busy preparing things in the kitchen, we offered to greet her guests. We had many opportunities to make contact and to meet new friends.
We were excited to see many familiar faces, and had a great time renewing our friendship. After a year of separation, we give thanks to God for the spiritual growth and changes God has made in their lives. All together there were over seventy people crowded into their home. God gave us a snapshot of what "a church" would look like in San Cristobal, as this is the vision for people here - to have their own church one day.
We were delighted to be hosted by Sister Lau Ying in the evening as she provides us comfortable accommodations in her home.
We treasure each opportunity God gives us to share His love. We appreciate your prayers that, with the enabling of God’ Spirit, we may speak boldly!
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