Tuesday, April 21, 2015


每日清晨,短宣隊員先同吃早餐,然後一起做靈修:查考經文和分享。今日經文係 約翰福音12:34。眾人回答説:「我們聽見律法上有話說,基督是永存的;你怎麼說『人子必須被舉起來』呢?這人子是誰呢?」。靈修分享時,我們學習到群眾如何棄絕耶穌,但耶穌並沒有因此離棄他們。這再一次自我反省,跟從主要到底,服事主要忠心。


當天晚上大家互相分享, 討論, 準備為明天主日浸禮儀式做好準備。並為準備接受浸禮的兩位姊妹祈禱。

Day 3
Saturday, April 18

Every morning the team members have group devotion after breakfast. Today’s passage is from John 12:34. “The crowd spoke up, “We have heard from the Law that the Christ will remain forever, so how can you say, 'The Son of Man must be lifted up'? Who is this 'Son of Man'?" During devotion, we have learned how the people left Jesus, but Jesus did not leave them. This caused us to reflect and to learn that we must follow Jesus to the end, and we must serve God faithfully to the end.

Pastor Wu and Pastor Nip had lunch with the pastors from the local Good Shepherd Church. After lunch, Pastor Wu represented the Short-term Mission team in presenting them with Scripture Chinese Calligraphy in thanking them for caring and supporting the Chinese in San Cristobal. They also made a plan to reach and care for the needs of the Chinese. We were deeply touched by their love and by their willingness to give.

Francisco offered to take the team members to the outside part of the city so they could better understand the lives of the locals. In the evening, Lau Ying took us to the local supermarket and to taste the local food. Venezuela is facing high inflation and a lack of daily necessities like coffee, sugar, shampoo, detergent, soap and toilet paper. This is due to exchange rate to the U.S. dollar. Due to the lack of daily goods, there are long lines outside supermarket and the living is hard for many.

In the evening, we have our regular sharing and evaluation meeting, also to prepare for the baptism ceremony the next morning. We prayed specially for the two sisters who will be baptized.

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