Wednesday, April 30, 2014

第五日  四月二十九日 禮拜二


委國最近政局的混亂,表面上好像慢慢的平靜下來,但當短宣隊在 San Cristobal 中區探訪華人時,在他們的談話中,得知有些僑胞已經選擇離開委國。但對留下的一群,對環境的困惑、無奈、及不安,就成為他們生活的一部份。

當中有一位年青的基督徒店主,不單只對目前的生活滿有喜樂,對短宣隊的探訪十分歡迎,還主動把小店舖交給旁邊的西班牙人照顧,與我們一起到外面,介紹環境。 還拿了一些中信月刊,派發給他的朋友,希望他們有機會接受耶穌。門徒的生命力,就在此顯明了。

4/29 Tuesday


With the recent upheaval of the political situation in Venezuela, on the surface, it seems things are calming down. However, when we visit and talk with the Chinese in the Central District in San Cristobal, we heard that many have choose to leave the country.  But to those who are staying behind, their frustrations, trapped to their situation, and insecurity became a pact of their daily lives.

Among them is a young shop owner, she not only face her life with joy, she welcomed us with great excitement. She asked the shop owner next door to look after her shop, so she can join us in visiting other Chinese shop owners in the area. she took some tracts to share with her friends, in hoping they too can know Jesus. The spiritual vitality of Jesus' disciple was clearly evident.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

第四日  四月二十八日 禮拜一 






April 28  Monday


The ministry today is to go to the Central District to visit the local Chinese businesses. Eight of us were divided into two teams. There is a nurse in the first team, and we call it the Medical Ministry Team.

We went to the businesses to share the good news of Jesus. There were opportunities to help measuring their blood glucose and their blood pressure. We not only can share with them how to meet their spiritual needs, but also to help their physical needs. 


We had a training class for the Fellowship. There were 27 in attendance. Praise God! This group of brothers and sisters delighted in serving. Whether in transportation, cooking or cleaning, everyone participate in sharing the duties. Leslie Wong started by teaching them the Principles of Meeting so they can use the meeting time orderly and wisely. It was followed by praise and worship. Their praise was so sweet and pleasant because it came from their hearts. Pastor Andrew Wu then encourage them to be sourced in the Bible through daily devotion. He introduced to them a 3 Steps Bible Reading Plan, which provide a basic understanding of the Bible by reading a chapter a day. They listened attentively reflect the image of Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus. To ground in the Word of God is exactly what they need at this stage of their spiritual life. Please pray for them that the Spirit will illuminating their readings and their hunger be fulfilled, so their faith will be strengthened.

第三日 四月二十七日 主日





Give Thanks! Our hearts are filled with thanksgiving! This is an accurate description of our feeling for this day. We have an opportunity to witness the glory of God with the local brothers and sisters.

The Venezuelan Good Shepherd Church opened their doors so three of our brothers and sisters could be baptized. We were warmly welcomed and they joined in with our Baptism Service. The spiritual journey of these three began in 2012 when the Short Term Mission team visited San Cristobal and introduce the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them. During this time, they have accepted Jesus as their Savior and baptized into Christ. They shared in their testimonies that they will follow Jesus all the days of their lives.

After the baptism, Rev. Semson Nip conducted the Inaugural Ceremony for the San Cristobal Chinese Christian Fellowship (Church). Paco Gao, President of the Venezuelan Association of Chinese Churches, presented the leaders of the fellowship a certificate of Inauguration. Please lift up this fellowship of Christians in your prayers, that God will keep and protect them. The brothers and sisters here thirst and hunger after spiritual nourishment. This indeed excites our hearts.

After the Baptism/Inaugural Service, the Venezuelan church invited the Chinese to join them in the worship. Mrs. Ana Nip translated the service. They felt it was an honor that they could worship God together with the Chinese community; the Lord’s Supper was observed together to remember the grace of God. They welcome us with such warmth and love, that our hearts were deeply touched.


浸禮崇拜後,聖基督華人基督徒團契在波仔和楚霞家舉行第一次正式聚會,由聶牧師帶領詩歌一同讚美神。吳天凱牧師用羅馬書6:3-4 鼓勵剛受浸新葡和弟兄姊妹、朋友。最後由聶牧師總结,並且有感動呼召慕道朋友決志接受主耶穌,當時沒有人舉手;但後來休息閒談的時候,Paco 與華女傾談,並作決志禱告。大家得知華女決志接受主耶穌成為她個人的救主時,大家熱烈鼓掌興奮地歡迎她,同得福音的好處。後來有機會與她傾談,好奇的問她,什麼促使妳改變決定?她回答說:與Paco 分享後,覺得再沒有理由不接受主,更不想再錯過機會。


In the afternoon, the San Cristobal Chinese Christian Fellowship (Church) held its first meeting. Rev. Semson Nip led the singing praising God together. Rev. Andrew Wu used Romans 6:3-4 to encourage the newly baptized and others in attendance. Rev. Nip concluded the service with a call to those who are seeking to make a decision to follow Jesus. At the time, no one raised their hand. After the service, during the fellowship time, Paco was chatting with Wah and she decided to accept Jesus as their Savior. When the decision was announced, all clapped joyfully to welcome her into the family. She was asked afterward, what prompted her to make the decision? She answered that, after talking with Paco, she could not find a reason not to follow Jesus, and does not want to miss this opportunity.

Yes! There are many missed opportunities in our lives. If you know that God wants to give you an abundant eternal life, why miss this one opportunity?

Saturday, April 26, 2014

第一日, 第二日

At SFO ready to depart


因為我們的行程,在 Caracas 的飛機接駁,只有三個小時內,我們要下飛機、辦理入境手續、過海關、取行李、check in 內陸機、再過安檢、趕到登機閘口。所以當我們在邁亞密的閘口見到我們要乘座的飛機時,心中十分安心。但過了不久,得知飛機雖延遅一小時,因為公路有交通意外機組人員要遅到,我們即將問題要準時到達加拉加斯機場交托在禱告中。感謝神!飛機也及時趕到,但另一個挑戰亦接踵而來,當我們已領取行李時心情興奮預備過海關出閘時我們的護照就被委國扣留了。領隊王傳道被召入特別房間相討。其他人則在心中默默禱告。出奇地一瞬間王傳道出來説沒事繼續走,感謝神的恩典夠用。出了閘看見聶牧師和 Mario 弟兄招呼也沒有他們就搶着我們的行李忙命跑到另外一個登機大樓忙着為我們check in 當到達櫃檯時曉得他們已經 Check in 完畢,幸好有當地弟兄 Mario 相助,他很快的為我們成功check-in,乘機安全到達目的地 San Cristobal。感謝神,我們再一次經歷神的保守。



Day 1, Day 2

At Caracas airport, connecting to San Cristobal

After twenty-two hours of traveling, and three connecting flights, we have finally arrived in San Cristobal, Venezuela. Although the trip was tiring, but our hearts are filled with joy and excitement, for we have seen God’s protection and His generous grace.

1. For our itinerary, we worried about our connection in Caracas. We had only 3 hours to get off the plane, go through customs, pick up our luggage, go to the domestic terminal, check in, and go through security and on to the gate. We were relieved when we saw the plane already at the gate when we arrived in Miami. However, the flight was delayed an hour due to an accident on the freeway which kept the flight crew from arriving on time. We were assured in our hearts throughout the journey for we rest our trust in our God who called us to go to serve our brothers and sisters in San Cristobal. We knew that he would override and get us safely all the way to our destination.

Although the flight was over an hour late, we went through immigration and customs with no problem. With the help of Pastor Nip and the brothers at Caracas, we were able to run with our luggage from the international terminal to domestic, and check in with only a few minutes to spare. We thank God for His hand in keeping us safe throughout our traveling.

2. When we arrived in San Cristobal, we went to the new residence of 波仔 and 楚霞. We rejoiced with them with their new baby boy. Watching the maturing of their other children, brought us great joy and we thank God for His blessings upon His children who are key to the growth of the local congregation. We cannot but give thanks to God when we heard their sharing of how God used them in the last years in reaching the community in San Cristobal. We also met other brothers and sisters at dinner. Their spiritual maturity was clearly evident in their lives and outlook.

Please pray for us tomorrow as we will be joining the Hispanic church in celebrating Sunday with three baptisms and the inauguration of the Chinese Church.

Monday, April 21, 2014

2014 委內瑞拉短宣隊隊員

 Tracey Tam, Kate Shui, Sylvia Lee, Leslie Wong, Pastor Andrew Wu, Raymond Lau


Thursday, April 17, 2014


委內瑞拉 位於 哥倫比亞 右面之一片大地,面積約 916,700 km2。全國人口約二千三百萬,首都人口約四百萬,國家主要出產 石油 礦鐵及鉛。農產品十分充足,是一個資源十分足自給的國家。現今美元市面對換值為 一美元對換國價委幣二千一百五十元,市面價約二千七百元。全國華藉人口统計,於二零零一年一月份中國大使舘公佈合法移民約有十四萬,大多為廣東人,而沒有 身份居留者約有三萬,根據華人消息透露,平均每月仍有不少數目的華僑非法入境。中國人在 委國 之名譽不差,本地人對中國人亦沒有歧視。委國華人批發行業較為集中。很多地方一條街亦有十至二十多間華人商鋪,華人生活平淡,平時愛好玩牌,睡眠,看錄像 帶,最熱門的是賭博。

自從一九九九年查衛斯總統上任後,反對派的攻擊而國家失業率提升,物價倍增,市面罪案提升,華人生活及事業亦受重大影響。後於二零零 二年四月十一日,發生 政黨內戰後至今,全國面對政治與經濟之動亂與衰退。直至二零零五年全國已走回平靜,人民生活與經濟亦返回平穩。對於很多人民與僑胞在 政亂中曾造成的傷害印 象深刻,華胞對福音亦開始更接受。
一九八五年從一處於首都 Caracas 的小型福音團契開始,直至一九八九由溫哥華門諾弟兄會差派宣教士莊健牧師一家開始,在七年中為主辛勞事奉,並對外宣廣招募,亦得到美加兩地的牧者及信徒不 斷支持與開荒,蒙主恩典,今日委國已成立的華人教會,共有八間。


教㑹                     城市                     始於     現職事奉         宗派
主恩堂                 CARACAS           1990     聶深信牧師   門諾弟兄㑹
十架堂                 PL CRUZ             1990     聶深信牧師     門諾弟兄㑹
委京浸信㑹          CARACAS           1992                            浸信㑹
巴城浸信㑹          BARQUISIMETO  1994                            浸信㑹
華戀社宣道㑹      VALENCIA            1994                           宣道㑹
四海福音之家      MARACAY            2008                           宣道㑹
播道㑹互愛堂      MARACAIBO        1996                           播道㑹
基督教華人團契  PUNTI FIJI                                                華人團契
恆愛浸信會         VALENCIA                         楊少波牧師     恆愛浸信㑹

委國仍有很多福音未到之處,正等待我們同心收割。這一片廣大的禾場,亦需要更多不但愛主愛人的同工,更加願意犠牲,一同互相効力共同 收割,叫愛神的人得益處。委內瑞拉是南美洲的一個新發展好工場,我們願各長執及同工齊心代禱。
