Day 2
On our first day, we woke up to a warm and overcast morning. Pastor Wan took us to the café next door, and we had a simple yet satisfying breakfast. We walked around the neighborhood afterward and had our cultural immersion lesson.
We had lunch at an Italian restaurant. Pastor Nip and His son join us for the delicious meal. We enjoyed the testimonies and the love stories shared by Pastor Nip. His willing heart fills with the love of Christ. Because his ability to speak Spanish fluently and his willingness to help, he is able to help the Chinese community to solve the problems they face living daily. He responds willingly to calls at all hours to serve the community. This is an example for us to learn.
After lunch, we will travel together with Pastor Nip to San Cristobal. We were stuck in traffic on the way to the airport. Instead of an hour trip, it takes 2.5 hours to travel. On the way, we had an exciting interlude. As our car trying to merge between two cars at a yield ramp, our car was almost hit by the car following the truck. Only later we realized that the truck was towing the car with a cable, and we were stuck between these two cars. We thank God for His protection that we were able to leave the scene without any incident
One more thing to give thanks: our flight were to depart at 5:00 pm. We were afraid we might not be able to make the flight. And the flight was delayed till after 7:00. We have ample to get to the flight!
Praise God! We arrived safely in San Cristobal! Poh, a local Christian and his Venezuelan friend came to airport to pick us up. We were arranged to live in the residence of the Cito.
下午我們和聶牧師一同午餐後,並一同飛往聖基斯道華。接載我們去機場途中遇上大塞車。本來一小時的路程,結果要兩個半小時才能到達。途中還發生一段驚險的小插曲,在我們經過一個三岔路口時,司機弟兄跟隨一輛工程車,而隨後有一輛車緊貼著我們的車旁,差點撞上我們的車,原來那車跟先前的工程車連著一條鋼纜,幸好神的保守,有驚無險! 安全駛離。
更要感恩的是,航班本來五時起末飛,眼看就要趕不上,出奇地! 航班竟然延遲到七時許。蒙神恩典! 否則我們便不可能趕及登機。
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